Fiction Only Track
For experienced writers looking to upgrade their fiction game

(For other tracks visit

✴️ 8 live classes over 5 weeks (join both Beginner and Advanced fiction-related sessions) to cover every aspect of fiction writing from foundations to finishing touches

✴️ Exclusive masterclass for Fiction-Only participants at the conclusion of the track

✴️ Access to session recordings throughout the summer so you can review classes and keep up if unable to attend a session live

✴️ Weekly mini-assignments plus critique of one full fiction story so you're confident that you’ve applied the new skills correctly

✴️ 1 half-hour one-on-one session to get personalized guidance on the critiqued fiction story and address any personal writing roadblocks 

✴️ Guest presentations to hear from, network, and get to know experts in the frum writing world

✴️ Moderated Slack community with exclusive fiction-only channel to connect with like-minded writers, and share tips, inspiration, and ideas

COST: $647

Rochel Samet is a published author and writer of Mishpacha's "Double Take" column. Her fiction stories and serials appear in magazines worldwide.

Rivka Streicher is a creative writing teacher and personal writing coach. She is the author of "Song of the Sea" and a writer for Mishpacha magazine since 2014.